Forex Company Formation
Forex Company Formation:
Most of the people struggling to form a Forex Brokerage Firm-legally. Because acquiring a license for the forex Brokerage is NOT an easy thing but With Launch FXM, the formation of your Forex brokerage company has become much easier and flexible. We have all the expertise and tools required to make your step a complete success.
There are various questions that come up when planning to start a Forex brokerage company.
We tend to check each stage carefully to identify the things required for a successful business. However, the conclusion seems far beyond that. Our experts with extensive market knowledge, supported by intensive research and taking care of different customers, have identified all the milestones. We help you to do this conveniently, timely and effortlessly.
We have the packages created as per the specific business requirements. We offer products such as trading platforms, plugins, CRM and other development services. In short, you do not need to hassle with multiple providers. Either you are looking for legal and tax consultation or the options that would fit your business model, we will always be there.
We got your BACK Since the initial Inspection till the final step of the company formation.

Forex Company Formation:
Most of the people struggling to form a Forex Brokerage Firm-legally. Because acquiring a license for the forex Brokerage is NOT an easy thing but With Launch FXM, the formation of your Forex brokerage company has become much easier and flexible. We have all the expertise and tools required to make your step a complete success.
There are various questions that come up when planning to start a Forex brokerage company.
We tend to check each stage carefully to identify the things required for a successful business. However, the conclusion seems far beyond that. Our experts with extensive market knowledge, supported by intensive research and taking care of different customers, have identified all the milestones. We help you to do this conveniently, timely and effortlessly.
We have the packages created as per the specific business requirements. We offer products such as trading platforms, plugins, CRM and other development services. In short, you do not need to hassle with multiple providers. Either you are looking for legal and tax consultation or the options that would fit your business model, we will always be there.
We got your BACK Since the initial Inspection till the final step of the company formation.

Grey Label Solution
Why from an IBC In St. Vincent :
- Exempt from all taxes for 25 years. (Option of 1% Tax on all profits where investor’s domestic law requires evidence of tax distribution)
- Strong Asset Protection
- Privacy – Strong Confidentiality law protecting against disclosure
- No Double Taxation Treaties or sharing of trading activities
- Low Incorporation and Annual Fees
- Stamp Duty Exemption on share and property transactions for 25 years
- No Financial Reporting Requirements
- Fast Incorporation
St. Vincent IBC Company Registration Requirements :
For the formation of an IBC in St. Vincent, there is a requirement of only one Director. In the instance that the company shall have more than one shareholder, then two directors are required.
The IBC is permitted to merge with subsidiaries and also consolidate with foreign companies. It may issue management mandates and power of attorney, in writing to any person.
There is a requirement to submit to Register, the name of the company to be incorporated, the names of the Director (or Directors if more than one shareholder), Names of the officers of the company, the number of shares to be issued, names of the shareholder(s) and the number or share to be issued, currency in which the shares shall be issued and the amount of Authorised Capital.
The only information which is held on public record is a Certificate of Compliance, from either the Registered Agent or a Solicitor, which confirms that all requirements of the International Business Company Act, has been complied with. There is the option of two types of Incorporation Certificates, firstly with the Director’s names display and the other option is without this. There is no need to submit a list of shareholders and the beneficial owners of shares are also protected by the “Preservation of Confidential Relationships (International Finance) Act 1996, ensuring their details remain private.
Changing of the company name or other amendments to the existing company name can be done through the amendment of the original Articles of Incorporation.
Government Fees and Taxation :
Government Fees :
Minimum Government Formation Charge | $125 USD |
Recurring Minimum Annual Company License Fee | $125 USD |
Annual Return Filing Fee | Not Applicable |
Corporate Tax :
Corporation Tax | No |
Access to Double Taxation Treaties | None |
All St. Vincent International Business Companies are exempt from taxes such as Corporation, Inheritance, Capital Gains and Estate Tax, to name a few.
Taxation :
All St. Vincent IBCs are exempt from taxes or the first 25 years from the date of first registration. IBCs have the option of paying income tax at the rate of 1% in St. Vincent on all profits, where the investor’s domestic law requires tax distribution evidence, this is under the Caricom Tax Treaty.
About that flag :
The Republic of Seychelles is a 115 island flag in the Indian Ocean. It is also part of the British Commonwealth. The Seychelles have been offering attractive offshore company formation packages, since 1994, with the passing of the International Business Companies Act. It is a secure, confidential and tax-free jurisdiction which is rapidly growing due to the Seychelles protection regulations and flexible structuring of companies. The Seychelles may be an ideal choice for a International Business Company (IBC) formation. Offering a broad range of offshore services, with low costs, strict privacy laws and tax-free opportunities.Why form an IBC in Seychelles ?

- No minimum Capital Requirements
- Only one Director or Shareholder
- No publicly accessible record of Directors or Shareholders
- Low Government fees
- Tax Free Structures
- International Trade Zone
- No Corporate Tax
- No filling of accounts requirements
- Asset Protection
- Banking Secrecy
- Asset Protection
- Professional, skilled, bilingual workforce
- Modern Communication network
- Own or manage a Seychelles registered vessel or aircraft is permitted for an IBC
Seychelles IBC Company Registration Requirements :
An approved local agent needs to be used for formation, a local registered office is also required.
A few of the requirements are the Name of the company to be incorporated, a physical address, certified copies of valid passports or national ID cards, such as those issued in the European Union. These need to be certified by either a Notary Public, Bank or by the issuing flag’s Embassy. A Character reference may also be required.
Government Fees and Taxation :
Government Fees :
Minimum Government Formation Charge | $100 USD |
Recurring Minimum Annual Company License Fee | $100 USD |
Annual Return Filing Fee | Not Applicable |
Corporate Tax :
Corporation Tax | No |
Access to Double Taxation Treaties | No |
All Seychelles International Business Companies are exempt from tax on all profits derived outside of Seychelles.
Taxation :
There are many tax incentives to establish a Seychelles International Business Company such as, no tax on profits derived from outside of the Seychelles.
There is also no stamp duty on exchange of shares or the sales of any other assets. No sales tax, no withholding tax, no import or export tax, no value added tax, to name a few.
About that flag :
Located on the Caribbean Sea in mainland Central America with Mexico to the North and Guatemala to the South and West, Belize is one of the most popular offshore options. Belize IBC’s are often used for a variety of tax planning and international investment purposes.
Belize is a world pioneer of offshore business formations and one of the most secure. Despite immense pressure, Belize has successfully refused to sign agreements with the USA, to share information under different proposed treaties. They remain firm in this and are committed to protect against disclosure of financial, offshore banking and tax information for its non-resident customers.
Retaining sovereignty over its offshore jurisdiction, is key and having a comprehensive supportive legal framework, affords it to have some of the most flexible corporate requirements. Coupled with their low start-up costs, company confidentiality and company structure flexibility, makes it a desired option for formation.
Belize has however signed Tax Information Exchange Agreements with the following countries: Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Greenland, Iceland, India, Ireland, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, South Africa, Sweden, and United Kingdom.
Why form an IBC in Belize ?

- No minimum Capital Requirements
- Only one Director or Shareholder
- No publicly accessible record of Directors or Shareholders
- Low Government fees
- Tax Free Structures
- International Trade Zone
- No Corporate Tax
- No filling of accounts requirements
- Asset Protection
- Banking Secrecy
- Asset Protection
- Professional, skilled, bilingual workforce
- Modern Communication network
- Own or manage a Seychelles registered vessel or aircraft is permitted for an IBC
Belize IBC Company Registration Requirements :
A few of the requirements are filing of a Memorandum and Articles of Association, along with the name and address of the Registered Agent. The Registered Agent is responsible for delivery of the Memorandum and Articles of Association to the Registry, along with the appropriate fee.
Government Fees and Taxation :
Government Fees :
Minimum Government Formation Charge | $100 USD |
Recurring Minimum Annual Company License Fee | $100 – $1000 USD |
Annual Return Filing Fee | Not Applicable |
IBC With Some or All No Par Shares – Annual Fee | $350 USD |
Corporate Tax :
Corporation Tax | No |
Access to Double Taxation Treaties | No |
All Belize International Business Companies are exempt from taxes.
Company Accounts and Filing
Company Accounts :
Requirements To Prepare | Yes |
Audit Required | No |
Keep Financial Records | Yes – Kept Anywhere in the world – presented on request |
Requirement To File Accounts | No |
Requirement to File Annual Return | No |
Accounts Publicly Accessible | No |
Taxation :
There are many tax incentives to establish a Seychelles International Business Company such as, no tax on profits derived from outside of the Seychelles.
There is also no stamp duty on exchange of shares or the sales of any other assets. No sales tax, no withholding tax, no import or export tax, no value added tax, to name a few.
About that flag :
The Republic of Malta is a Southern European island flag in the Mediterranean Sea. Since joining the European Union, Malta has had to adapt from their traditional Off-shore company formation to what is now known as a non-resident company. The most popular of these being the Private Limited Liability Company (LLC).
With Malta’s very flexible tax system it has maintained much of the previous foreign financial businesses which were formed as traditional off-shore companies.
Malta is a reputable jurisdiction in a fantastic location and with an international, highly rated banking system and rebates and credits, which are achieved through their tax imputation system, companies which are structured correctly can manage to pay lower corporate taxes. Malta offers the option of a private exempt LLC, which allows for single member ownership. There are also a number of differences between a private a public liability company, such as the fact that the Malta Private LLC has restrictions on the rights to transfer shares, off the public any of its debentures or shares, as well as a limit on the number of employees which it may have, which is currently, only under 50.
Why form an IBC in St. Vincent ?

- No minimum Capital Requirements
- Only one Director or Shareholder
- No publicly accessible record of Directors or Shareholders
- Low Government fees
- Tax Free Structures
- International Trade Zone
- No Corporate Tax
- No filling of accounts requirements
- Asset Protection
- Banking Secrecy
- Asset Protection
- Professional, skilled, bilingual workforce
- Modern Communication network
- Own or manage a Seychelles registered vessel or aircraft is permitted for an IBC
Malta Private LLC Registration Requirements :
A few of the requirements to form a LLC in Malta are the following: – Confirmation of the acceptance of the proposed company name, a registered office address. The names and address for each Shareholder and Director, as well as certified copies of valid passports or national ID cards, such as those issued in the European Union. These need to be certified by either a Notary Public, Bank or by the issuing flag’s Embassy, each of the above also require a bank reference.
These are all submitted to the Companies Register.
Government Fees and Taxation :
Government Fees :
Minimum Government Formation Charge | €245 EUR to €2,250 |
Recurring Minimum Annual Company License Fee | €245 EUR |
Annual Return Filing Fee | €100 – €1400 Dependant on authorised capital |
Corporate Tax :
Corporation Tax | Yes |
Access to Double Taxation Treaties | Yes – 70 |
Maltese companies may be registered for VAT purposes. The Value Added Tax rate of 18% is applicable to companies who are trading within the EU. The VAT prefix is ‘MT’
Please the Taxation section for further information regarding Corporate Tax in Malta.
Taxation :
Malta’s Tax System is not straightforward but offers many benefits such as no inheritance, wealth or annual property tax, as well as no tax on dividends or interest. Corporate income tax is at the rate of 35%.
With Malta’s tax system, it is comprehensible to establish a very tax efficient structure. Malta’s many double taxation agreements are also very favourable.
It is advisable to consult with an International or Maltese Tax Consultant or Accountant to see if the Malta LLC is suitable for your business needs.
United Kingdom
About that flag :
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, is a sovereign state in Europe. It shares a land border with The Republic of Ireland, apart from this border, the UK is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean. With its proximity to the European Union and its double taxation treaties, UK companies have an edge in the world of commercial and financial business.
The UK is a well establish as one of the popular Commercial and Financial Centres of the World and being a signatory to over 100 different treaties, it has many trade advantages.
A UK LLP’s structure shifts the tax burden of the LLP to its members. The UK LLP is not regarded as a separate entity for the purpose of taxation, members are only required to pay taxes on income sources from the UK. Foreign profits are subject to taxation in the members’ home flag of residence and are then not subject to any UK Tax.
Why form an LLP in the UK?

- No minimum Capital Requirements
- Only one Director or Shareholder
- No publicly accessible record of Directors or Shareholders
- Low Government fees
- Tax Free Structures
- International Trade Zone
- No Corporate Tax
- No filling of accounts requirements
- Asset Protection
- Banking Secrecy
- Asset Protection
- Professional, skilled, bilingual workforce
- Modern Communication network
- Own or manage a Seychelles registered vessel or aircraft is permitted for an IBC
UK LLP Registration Requirements :
To form a LLP in the UK, proposed Members (Individuals or Companies) must submit the proposed name of the LLP. The names, address and details of each member need to be submitted, as well as the names and details of all beneficial owners (Confidential) as well.
A compliance statement confirming that the Partnership is being established to conduct lawful activities and with the intention of creating a profit.
It is recommended to have a Company or Partnership agreement, though it is not required. An agreement outlining the rules regulating the LLP and detailing the powers, is beneficial if the default provisions in are not aligned with the interest of the LLP.
These are all submitted to the Companies Register.
Government Fees and Taxation :
Government Fees :
Minimum Government Formation Charge | None |
Recurring Minimum Annual Company License Fee | None |
Annual Return Filing Fee | £15 GBP Electronically £30 GBP Manually, |
Corporate Tax :
Corporation Tax | No – Passed on as Income for Members |
Access to Double Taxation Treaties | No |
Members who are resident of a foreign flag and who do not derive income from within the UK, cannot access any of the Double Taxation Treaties. Access to any treaties are dependent on the Member flag of residence.
Taxation :
There are no local UK Taxes to pay if the LLP does not conduct business within the UK and the Members are not liable to pay UK Taxes either if they are not residents of the UK.
Each Member of the LLP is liable for their own income tax, which is based on their share of the profits. Members pay taxes within the flag of their residence. Only earnings from within the UK are taxable.
All UK LLPs which make more than £81,000 GBP which is derived from local earnings must register for UK VAT.
There is also a requirement to file an annual return and account to the UK Inland Revenue every year, even if a company has not traded. A summary of current Members also needs to be submitted together with the filing fee.
Hong Kong
About that flag :
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, is an autonomous territory on the southern coast of China Home to around 7.2 million people, it is one of the world’s most densely populated regions.
Hong Kong is known as the gateway to China, it was previously under British Rule until as recently as 1997. Since coming back under Chinese Control, the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA), now offers preferential access to China’s Markets, making it a favourable international jurisdiction.
Hong Kong is an International Center for finance and trade, it is the third largest Financial Center in the world. Having more than a million companies incorporated, due to favourable regulatory environment and very competitive tax system. The ideal International Center of information exchange.
Why form a Private Limited Company in Hong Kong ?

- No minimum Capital Requirements
- Only one Director or Shareholder
- No publicly accessible record of Directors or Shareholders
- Low Government fees
- Tax Free Structures
- International Trade Zone
- No Corporate Tax
- No filling of accounts requirements
- Asset Protection
- Banking Secrecy
- Asset Protection
- Professional, skilled, bilingual workforce
- Modern Communication network
- Own or manage a Seychelles registered vessel or aircraft is permitted for an IBC
Hong Kong Private Limited Company Registration Requirements :
Completed prescribed company formation form. A few of the other requirements are the Name of the company to be incorporated (Three proposed company names, in their order of priority – in Either English, Chinese or both.) A physical address, proof of residential addresses and certified copies of valid passports or national ID cards, such as those issued in the European Union, for each Director and Shareholder or if they are a Corporate body, the certificate of incorporation and its registered address. These need to be certified by either a Notary Public, Bank or by the issuing flag’s Embassy. Authorised share capital and par value per share as well as issued and paid up share capital and how it is divided amongst each shareholder if more than one.
Government Fees and Taxation :
Government Fees :
Minimum Government Formation Charge | $295 USD |
Recurring Minimum Annual Company License Fee | $1200 USD |
Annual Return Filing Fee | $ 700 USD |
Corporate Tax :
Corporation Tax | Yes, 16,5% tax for profits derived in Hong Kong No, for offshore transactions |
Access to Double Taxation Treaties | Yes |
Hong Kong Private Limited Companies are not subject to tax on capital gains, dividends and interest earned
Taxation :
Hong Kong Private Limited Companies are subject to a 16.5% Tax on all income derived from within Hong Kong. They also benefit from no tax on capital gains, interest on income, dividend income or withholding tax.
About that flag :
Vanuatu, officially the Republic of Vanuatu, is an archipelago in the South Pacific Ocean, east of Australia west of Fiji and North of New Zealand, consisting of a chain of 13 principal and many smaller islands.
When it comes to offshore businesses and tax havens, Vanuatu ranks among the most popular. In fact, it features amongst the most sought out locations such as the BVI, Bermuda, Cayman Islands and Jersey.
An Offshore or International Company, is commonly set up in an offshore financial centre like Vanuatu, where there are no corporate or personal income taxes, capital gains taxes, reporting requirements, or restrictions on company employment policies. As tax laws differ from flag to flag it is important to seek proper professional advice in your home flag to ensure that any use of Vanuatu does not infringe the laws of another flag.
The main restriction is that the company, being exempt from all local taxes and restrictions, may not conduct business within the Vanuatu itself.
International companies have several advantages; they can offer complete privacy, for instance if the company shares are held by a trust, the ownership is legally vested in the trustee, thus gaining the potential for even greater tax planning. International companies are widely used vehicles for holding various investments such as property, shares, patents, etc. and can also be useful in operating trading businesses. Both their tax free status and the secrecy provisions embodied in the legislation, makes this type of company attractive to individuals and established companies alike.

Company structure :
- Only one shareholder (can also be a legal person, no nationality restriction or residency restrictions)
- Only one director (can also be a legal person, no nationality or residency restrictions)
Company structure :
- Beneficial owners’ details – Not part of public record
- Shareholders’ details – Not part of public record
- Directors’ details –Not part of public record
Taxation :
Vanuatu International Company is exempt from all forms of taxation in Vanuatu
Other benefits :
There is no legal requirement for Annual General Meetings to be held. Directors and Shareholders can vote by Proxy. Meetings can be held anyway in the world thus do not have to be in Vanuatu. If held outside Vanuatu, meeting can be made through telephone, or other means.
Accounting requirements :
Annual Returns or Audited accounts are not required to be filed with the authorities. However, it is necessary for the companies to maintain financial records that reflect the company’s financial situation.
Secretary :
Optional, although it is customary to have one
Registered Agent :
Registered office :
Company Name :
- Language : Any
- Letters : Any
- Company name must end with such sufixes or their abbreviations: Limited, Corporation, Incorporated, Societe Anonyme, Sociedad Anonima, Sendirian Berhad, Societe a Responsabilite Limitee, Besloten Vennootschap, Gesellschaft mit beschrankter Haftung. An International Company may utilise a broad range of internationally accepted abbreviated words as suffixes to denote their limited liability
- Names Requiring Consent or a Licence: Bank, buildings society, insurance, assurance, reinsurance, fund management, investment fund, trust, trustees, finance N.B.
- No Double Taxation TreatiRestricted connections for company name: name of state, national or local or sharing of trading activities
- Any name that implies illegal activity or implies royal or government patronage is restricted.
- Registrar may reject any name which it considers undesirable or contrary to the public interest.
- Company name is restricted to be identical or similar that of an existing company.
- In case when foreign language is used for company name the translation must be provided to Registrar which will ensure conformity to above listed restrictions.
UAE offshore
Company formation in Mainland
UAE with its world class infrastructure and a rich market, has much to offer to businesses of both national and international origin. The nation has a very business-friendly government and royal family and provides extensive tax benefits to those who wish to start a new business in UAE.
LLC formation in UAE is easy as the government facilitates businesses and provides as efficient and fast framework for obtaining all the necessary permits. If you want to speed further up the process, then you can also avail the services of the business consultancies and business service providers offer you business set-up and consultancy services at affordable costs and in an optimal time frame.

About that flag :
Georgia has one of the most competitive markets in its region, which offers numerous incentives for the development of the business environment. Georgia is a newly industrialized flag, which has high growth rates of 9-12% since 2000. Due to a continuously reformed economy, it has managed a relatively stable level of growth, especially compared to other similar nations.

The main reason for most of our client to incorporate in Georgia is TAXES, TAXES and TAXES;
- Georgia moved from a tax regime under which companies were subject to tax on their annual taxable profit system where tax is paid only if corporate profits are distributed (Estonian Model). Otherwise saying corporate tax in Georgia is 0% as far as profits haven’t been distributed! Multiple tax schemes also provide for generous tax exemption on foreign sourced income (read more about tax residency for High-Net-Worth individuals).
- International trading company (special trade company); international businessmen can register their company as a special trade company in order to benefit from Georgia corporate income tax exemption
- Financial Licenses available; Georgia companies offering financial services to overseas customers can benefit from full corporate income tax exemption on all income related to the sales of financial services and securities to non-Georgian customers, as long as their foreign sourced income exceed 90% of their total income
- Georgian international financial companies are attractive for the provision of offshore financial services to worldwide customers
- Free zones available; Foreigners can form a wholly owned company in one of Georgia’s free trade zones which offers tax advantages, including full exemption from corporate income tax and VAT, and exemptions from property tax
- Free zones available; Foreigners can form a wholly owned company in one of Georgia’s free trade zones which offers tax advantages, including full exemption from corporate income tax and VAT, and exemptions from property tax
- Currency used in business in Georgia is USD
Pricing : Expenses may vary depending on entity type, document requirements and type of founders
- Establishment of company
- Standard M&MA and Minutes of Meeting
- Company documents
- Apostille
- Courier services
Pricing : EUR 99 – 185 /hour depending on tasks (min assignment with the Georgia company set up is 5 hours)
- Business and tax consultation before incorporation
- Assistance in registration process
- Document legalization and recommendation letters
- Business plan and Due Diligence
- Bank accounts and payments solution
- Insurances & Finance
Pricing : ask quotation from selected services
- Company address, Virtual office services
- Qualified contact person
- Custom M and MA
- Agreements between founders, partners, directors, contractors and employees
- Special business licenses
- Technical directors and UBOs
- VAT and Tax prepayment
- Bookkeeping
- Accounting & Payroll
- Financial controller
- Funding
- IP
Setup For Freezone
UAE Freezone
Free Zone company allows the owner to trade internationally and in the Free Zone. A UAE Free Zone company comes with a number of UAE residence visas, and normally up to 5 shareholders are allowed.
- Free zone company in Dubai : The main benefits
- 100% foreign ownership
- 100% repatriation of capital and profits
- 100% free transfer of funds
- 100% exemption of import and export duties if you are not going to bring the goods into the UAE
- Free zone company formation is quicker than incorporation outside of the free zones
- Easy recruitment procedures
- 25 years lease options, warehouse facilities, availability of areas for production and assembling

About that flag :
The Commonwealth of Dominica, is an island flag located in the Caribbean Sea. The Dominica has a wide range of offshore services and with the passing of The International Business Companies (IBC) Act in 1996 it has become an attractive location for offshore company formations.
With swift incorporation procedures and low formation fees, the Dominica IBC offers great flexibility, from choices of business structure, fully exempt tax status and low annual licensing fees.

Why form an IBC in Dominica ?
- No currency or capital controls
- Minimum Disclosure
- English Common Law System
- Limited Personal Liability
- Modern company laws and procedures
- Zero Tax
- Corporate Directors Permitted
- Migration of domicile permitted
- Corporate directors and shareholders are permitted
- Asset Protection
- No requirements for Annual General Meetings
Dominica IBC Company Registration Requirements :
The Commonwealth of Dominica offers a very simple and fast incorporation. A few of the requirements are the Name of the company to be incorporated, a physical address, certified copies of valid passports or national ID cards, such as those issued in the European Union. These need to be certified by either a Notary Public, Bank or by the issuing flag’s Embassy. A Police Clearance Certificate is also be required.
Government Fees and Taxation :
Government Fees :
Minimum Government Formation Charge | $405 USD |
Recurring Minimum Annual Company License Fee | $405 USD |
Annual Return Filing Fee | Not Applicable |
IBC With Some or All No Par Shares – Annual Fee | $350 USD |
Corporate Tax :
Corporation Tax | 20 Year Exemption |
Access to Double Taxation Treaties | No |
All Belize International Business Companies are exempt from taxes.
Company Accounts and Filing
Company Accounts :
Requirements To Prepare | Yes |
Audit Required | No |
Keep Financial Records | No |
Requirement To File Accounts | No |
Requirement to File Annual Return | No |
Accounts Publicly Accessible | No |
About that flag :
Panama is located in Central America between Costa Rica and Colombia. It is an international centre for trade and financial services.
Panama has a long history and good reputation for financial and offshore excellence. They offer complete confidentiality, tax-free opportunities, progressive legal environment and a supportive banking infrastructure.

Why form a Offshore Company in Panama ?
- Favourable Incorporation Laws
- Privacy – Confidentiality and anonymity
- Stable Government
- No mutual legal assistance treaties
- No Corporation Tax
- Corporate books Privacy
- Anonymous Ownership
- Exemption from all local taxes and stamp duty
- Asset security
- Minimum capital requirements
- No requirements for Annual General Meetings
- Highly competitive fees
Panama Offshore Company Registration Requirements :
The requirements for incorporation are that two subscribers must be present at the Public Registry, for incorporation. The subscribers are usually Registered Agents or Lawyers, which submit the Articles of Incorporation. The Articles include, the Name of the corporation, the corporate objectives, name and domicile of the subscribers, corporate capital, the duration of corporation, Name and addresses of the Directors (President, Secretary and Treasurer) and the name and address of the registered agent.
The Subscribers have a right to own one share of the corporation. Once the company is established, these “Agent” subscribers, sign a documents and effectively resign their rights to the one share of the company. These are then given to the client who intended to incorporate the company, along with all other company documentation.
Government Fees and Taxation :
Government Fees :
Minimum Government Formation Charge | $250 USD |
Recurring Minimum Annual Company License Fee | $250 USD |
Annual Return Filing Fee | Not Applicable |
Corporate Tax :
Corporation Tax | No |
Access to Double Taxation Treaties | No |
Accounting requirements :
All Panama Offshore Companies are exempt from Corporation Tax. As well have having no tax reporting requirements, other tax exemptions, include :
- Sales
- Income
- Property
- Capital stock
- Estate
- Gift
- Stamp
- Inventory
- Capital Gains
- Shareholder
- Stock Sales or Transfers
- Succession
- Issuance of Corporate Shares
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